SingSing Boost Store is Now Open

Welcome to SingSing Boost Store! If you’re looking to enhance your experience and earn more RUBY and additional benefits, boost items are exactly what you need. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to purchase and use boost items effectively.

Purchasing Boost Items

  1. Visit SingSing Boost Store at
  2. Explore Boost Items: Browse through the selection of boost items available. Each item offers unique benefits such as increasing your mining rate for RUBY, specifically, +30%, +50% or +100% Ruby bonus based on total Ruby from each claiming within 3 days, 7 days or 15 days.
  3. Select Your Boost Item: Choose the boost item that suits your needs and goals. Consider factors like duration, effect, and cost.
  4. Complete Purchase: Click to “Buy” Buton, tap “Yes” and Confirm the Gas fee.
  5. Receive Confirmation: Once purchased, you’ll receive confirmation of your transaction along with details of your boost item, tap “Ok”.

Using Boost Items

  1. Go to the “Claim RUBY” section. Seeing the rocket icon indicates that you have successfully purchased a Boost Item.
  2. Click on the rocket icon to display the countdown timer showing the remaining validity period of that Boost Item.
  3. Press “Claim” to receive RUBY. At this point, the RUBY Bonus will be returned to the Reserve Vault.
  4. Navigate to the Reserve Vault, select “History,” and check to see the amount of RUBY bonus provided by the Boost Item under “Boost Bonus.”

Benefits of Boost Items

  • Increased RUBY Mining: Boost items significantly boost your RUBY mining rate, allowing you to accumulate more digital assets efficiently.
  • Customizable Experience: Tailor your experience to match your goals and preferences with a variety of boost items available.


Using boost items from SingSing Boost Store is a strategic way to maximize your participation and benefits within the SingSing community. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned participant, these items offer valuable advantages that can enhance your overall experience. Visit SingSing Boost Store today to explore the range of boost items and start optimizing your journey to earning more RUBY and enjoying additional benefits!

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